Goodbye (Again)

When I bought the Audi S3 back in 2005, I wasn't offered a very good price for the Rallye as a trade in so I gifted it to my sister. She owned it from May 2005 to about March 2008 when it was back in Norfolk in the Norwich area. It was a bit tired... Continue Reading →

Goodbye Rallye

So after many years of happy ownership, a few speeding tickets, quite a bit of fettling (like that time the ignition key was stuck in the rear book lock at a 24hr mountain bike race) and some great driving, I've decided it's time to sell the Rallye. New job, more disposable income, I fancy an... Continue Reading →

At the Races

Turns out that the Rallye is a great vehicle for getting to the Mountain Bike races. Over the years it's done it's duties getting various buddies to the race venues around the country. This weekend just gone it was the SAAB Salomon Mountain Mayhem at Eastnor Castle in the Malverns.

That’s rather loud

The M62 out of Manchester claimed the stock exhaust today. The back box dropped off at 70mph on the inside lane. The car without it is rather loud. Time for a stainless steel Peugeot Sport exhaust.

It’s back

So six months after our encounter with a ditch a train ride home and a lift to the garage the following day reunited me with the Rallye. It'd taken a while to save up £1,500 to refurbish it. New body panels, paintwork, time on a chassis jig. The block was okay, but as new second... Continue Reading →

That didn’t go to plan

The idea was nip down to Norfolk for the weekend with a mate from the bike shop, race mountain bikes around Thetford Forest and be back to work on Monday. All went well until about 10 miles from our destination where it turned out the road surface out of a series of 90 degree bends... Continue Reading →

Peugeot 106 Rallye Series 1

For many years I have been driving around in a Peugeot 205 Lacoste - a 1.4 carburettor based motor with some special cams. The car has been pretty reliable but the bodywork is far from perfect and whilst luxuries like the electric windows and sunroof have been plus points, it's also had it's more negative... Continue Reading →

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